Legal Notice

ELION IP, S.L. (“Elion”), responsible for (“Website”), makes this Legal Notice available to the Users as well as informs all Users of the Website about the conditions of use (“General Conditions of Use”).

Any person accessing this website assumes the role of User, committing to the observance and strict compliance with the provisions herein, as well as any other legal provision that may be applicable.

Elion reserves the right to modify any type of information that may appear on the Website, without any obligation to give prior notice or inform Users of such obligations, being understood as sufficient with the publication on the Website of Elion.


ELION IP, S.L. is a Spanish company registered in the Mercantile Registry of Madrid, Volume 43337, book 0, folio 45, section 8, page M 765596, 1st inscription, with address for notification purposes at Paseo de la Castellana, 150, 4-dcha, 28046 Madrid (Spain), with tax identification number B09951807. Elion is owner and administrator of the Website. For any questions, please contact Elion at [email protected].


Through the Website, Elion offers the possibility of getting information about our services to the Users.


When for the access to certain contents or service it is necessary to provide personal data, the Users will guarantee its truthfulness, accuracy, authenticity and validity. Elion will give to such data the automated treatment that corresponds according to its nature or purpose, in the terms indicated in the Privacy Policy section.


The User undertakes to:

  1. Make proper and lawful use of the Website as well as the contents and services, in accordance with: (i) the applicable legislation at all times; (ii) the General Conditions of Use of the Website; (iii) morality and generally accepted good customs; and (iv) public order.
  2. Provide all the means and technical requirements necessary to access the Website.
  3. Provide truthful information when filling in the forms contained in the Website with their personal data and to keep them updated at all times so that they respond, at all times, to the real situation of the User. The User shall be solely responsible for any false or inaccurate statements made and the damages caused to Elion or third parties for the information provided.

Further, the User must also refrain from:

  1. Making unauthorized or fraudulent use of the Website and/or the contents for illicit purposes or effects, prohibited in these General Conditions of Use, harmful to the rights and interests of third parties, or that in any way may damage, render useless, overload, deteriorate or impede the normal use of the services or documents, files and all kinds of contents stored in any computer equipment.
  2. Accessing or attempting to access resources or restricted areas of the Website, without complying with the conditions required for such access.
  3. Causing damage to the physical or logical systems of the Website, its suppliers or third parties.


Elion does not guarantee continued access, nor the correct visualization, downloading or utility of the elements and information contained in the Website that may be impeded, hindered or interrupted by factors or circumstances beyond its control. Elion is not responsible for the decisions that may be taken as a result of access to the contents or information offered.

Elion may interrupt the service, or the relationship with the User may be immediately terminated, if it is detected that use of the Website, or any of the services offered on it, is contrary to these General Conditions of Use. Elion shall not be liable for any damages, losses, claims or expenses arising from the use of the Website.


To use some of the services, the User may be required to provide certain personal data. Elion will automatically process this data and will apply the corresponding security measures, all in compliance with the GDPR. The User can access the policy followed in the processing of personal data, as well as the establishment of the purposes previously established, under the conditions defined in the Privacy Policy.


Elion reserves the right to use “cookie” technology on the Website in order to recognize the User as a frequent User and to personalize its use of the Website by pre-selecting the language, or more desired or specific content.

Cookies are files sent to a browser, by means of a web server, to record the User’s navigation on the Website, when the User allows them to be received. If you wish, you can configure your browser to be notified on screen of the reception of cookies and to prevent the installation of cookies on your hard drive. Please consult the instructions and manuals of your browser for more information.

Thanks to cookies, it is possible to recognize the browser of the computer used by the User in order to provide content and offer navigation preferences or advertising that the User, the demographic profiles of Users and to measure visits and traffic parameters, monitor progress and number of entries.


In general, the contents and services offered on the Website are for information purposes only. Therefore, by offering them, no warranty or representation is given in relation to the contents and services offered on the Website, including, but not limited to, warranties of legality, reliability, usefulness, truthfulness, accuracy, or merchantability, except to the extent that such representations and warranties cannot be excluded by law.


These General Conditions of Use, as well as the use of the Website, shall be governed by Spanish law. For the resolution of any dispute the parties shall submit to the Courts of Madrid.

In the event that any provision of these General Conditions of Use is unenforceable or void under applicable law or as a result of a judicial or administrative decision, such unenforceability or invalidity shall not render these General Conditions of Use unenforceable or void as a whole. In such cases, Elion will proceed to modify or replace such provision with one that is valid and enforceable and that, to the extent possible, achieves the purpose and intent reflected in the original provision.